Recession Good News
Seems like everybody loves bad news these days, especially the media and their take on the “financial crisis”. Every day the news gets worse. I’ve had to stop listening. However, for every back there is a front, for every yin there is a yang and so I began looking for the good news---the Silver lining. I believe that this “recession” is an expression of America coming of age. We are still a young country and we have things to learn. No longer an impetuous teenager, that thinks she knows everything, we are now more ready to listen. As an adult, I have grown to appreciate my ancestors and their wisdom. I believe America will return to some of the values our elders held DEAR. I predict that good things are coming. Eating IN will become more popular and necessary as people will choose to spend their money differently. Pot-lucks, social gatherings, having friends over for meals will become the norm again. The family will once gather around the dinner table w...
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